

SEALAB | Recent Work

Anand Soncecha | Architect

| The Loft Forum | Facebook Event

SEAlab is an organization founded by Anand Sonecha and Mariana Paisana in 2015. Based in Ahmedabad, the organization was created to shelter the work that Anand and Mariana were developing in India and Portugal, but also with the aim to start a collective platform for architecture and arts. SEAlab was born from a common interest to design with time, with quality and to reflect on the cultural and social implications of architecture. SEAlab has been involved in the projects at Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad. Recently completed projects at the Ashram are Jai Jagat Theatre and Volunteer houses.
Other ongoing projects includes- School for visually impaired, blind children and housing for the Loving Community (where people who were affected by leprosy live). Anand presented the “Initial works at Sabarmati Ashram” at Harvard University as part of IndiaGSD lectures in 2017.

Anand Sonecha is a graduate of IPSA, Rajkot, India. He pursued his undergraduate thesis with Professor Balkrishna V Doshi. Later, he worked with Professor Doshi and Rajeev Kathpalia at Sangath in India and with Álvaro Siza in Portugal. Mariana Paisana studied Architecture in Lisbon, Portugal and Rome, Italy. She worked at Sangath in Ahmedabad and Res do Chao in Lisbon. Later, she pursued her graduate studies in Urban design at Harvard Graduate School of Design, with Aga Khan and Fulbright Scholarships.